When the document is not saved before the application is closed, The word application assumes that the file is not important, so does not save a recovery file, but to recover the file open the application and go to the recently opened file, do not edit the file, go to the bottom of the document and click on recovery or use the CTRL-Z shortcut key.
Microsoft word is a word processing application used to make and edit word documents. The recovery option in the word application is an essential tool in Word that prevents a permanent loss of documents in production and can be used to retrieve saved and unsaved documents.
regulates and integrates the operations of the computer. It selects and retrieves instructions from the main memory in proper sequence and interprets them
The answer is "Option C".
The array was already sorted. Much new information is applied to the array on a recurring basis at random indices, to bring everything back in order. During in the sort, I wouldn't want to use much further memory.
It is a sorting algorithm that constructs one piece at a time in the final sorted array. In large lists, it is far less effective than sophisticated technology like quicksort, heapsort, or combination sort.
Cellular telephone network
Cellular telephone network utilizes the concept of the such towers that allows the use of transmitters of low power and make use of the same channel for the radio frequency.
Cellular network is the network for communication in which the end link of the network is wireless. This type type of network is distributed and makes use of the radio waves over the land areas of the network referred to as the 'cells'. These cells are served individually by the fixed base station that enables the transmission of calls over a wide range through wireless links to a fixed receiver