Hey just a word of advice I hope you find someone lovely and someone who’ll enjoy you for you. Don’t look for people on apps like this I made many mistakes and it’s not smart. Have a good day. I get the feeling of loneliness and it sucks
A) Frames. Is the anwser!!
for example: showProduct(10,10.5) is the correct answer even showProduct(10,10.0) is also correct but showProduct(10.0,10.5) or showProduct(10,10) or showProduct(10.0,10) are wrong calls.
The code is
- <em>public static void showProduct (int num1, double num2){</em>
- <em> int product;</em>
- <em> product = num1*(int)num2;</em>
- <em> System.out.println("The product is "+product);</em>
- <em> }</em>
showProduct is function which asks for two arguments whenever it is called, first one is integer and second one is of type double which is nothing but decimal point numbers. Generally, in programming languages, 10 is treated as integer but 10.0 is treated as decimal point number, but in real life they are same.
If showProduct( 10,10.0) is called the output will be 'The product is 100'.
Strange fact is that, if you enter showProduct(10,10.5) the output will remain same as 'The product is 100'. This happens because in the 3rd line of code,which is <em>product=num1*(int)num2</em>, (int) is placed before num2 which makes num2 as of type integer, which means whatever the value of num2 two is given, numbers after decimal is erased and only the integer part is used there.
This is necessary in JAVA and many other programming languages as you <u>cannot</u><u> multiply two different datatypes</u> (here one is int and another is double). Either both of them should be of type int or both should be of type double.
TIFF file is not audio format file rather it is graphic container that stores raster images.
Gain can add all other audio files (MIDI, MP3, Windows media audio file) to his presentation.
What are MIDI, MP3 and WMA :
Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) is a protocol that is designed for recording and playback music on digital synthesizers that is supported by many computer sound cards. Gian can add MIDI audio format file in his presentation.
This audio file format technology compress a sound technology into very small file while preserving the original quality of sound when it is played. Gian can add this audio format in presentation to play audio in presentation.
This audio format is developed by Microsoft. It contains a series of audio codecs and their corresponding audio formats.
Gian can add WMA extension audio file to his presentation to play audio.