The correct matches are as follows:
1.PENTECOST :Feast of the week when the Holy Spirit fill the 120 disciples.
2. BETHANY: Home town of Mary, Martha and Lazarus Bethany.
3. CANA OF GALILEE: Place where Jesus performed His first miracle.
4. FORTY DAYS AND FORTY NIGHTS : Number of days Jesus was in the wilderness when he was tempted by satan.
5. JOHN THE BAPTIST: Prophet like Elijah who preached repentance.
6. TWELVE YEARS: Age of Jesus when he visited Jerusalem.
7. CAESAR AUGUSTUS: Roman Emperor when Jesus was born.
1.C-holding up some people as most worthy.
2.B-with the same respect they would show at an important ceremony.
3.c-direct, strict unwavering
Yet the politics of the 1790s (like the United States today) was dominated by the arguments of two distinct political groups: the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. The political parties of the 1790s emerged because of disagreements over three main issues: the nature of government, the economy and foreign policy.