I know its not a because i got it wrong
It provided funding to research the cure for Ebola
bola is an acute viral infectious disease that produces hemorrhagic fever in humans and primates (monkeys, gorillas and chimpanzees), caused by the Ebola virus, which was first described in 1976 by Dr. David Finkes, when presented several cases of hemorrhagic fever in Zaire and Sudan. The name of the virus is due to the Ebola River, geographically located in Zaire. The Ebola virus is one of two members of a family of RNA viruses (ribonucleic acid) called Filoviridae.
Currently, people at risk of hemorrhagic fever due to Ebola virus are considered to be those with a history of travel to sub-Saharan Africa, people who care for infected patients, as well as workers who are in contact with infected primates of origin. African.
Answer The Free Speech Movement (FSM) was a college campus phenomenon inspired first by the struggle for civil rights and later fueled by opposition to the Vietnam War. The Free Speech Movement began in 1964, when students at the University of California, Berkeley protested a ban on on-campus political activities
Biology, study of living things and their vital processes that deals with all the physicochemical aspects of life
Science, the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
Synagogue is the answer you are seeking :)