Answer: Formation of Iceberg
Explanation: A glacier is a very large mass of ice formed overtime by the compression of snowfall. Glacier are formed in very high altitudes and very cold parts of the Earth.
When a glaciar is exposed to ocean currents: it can break to form icebergs which are large mass of floating ice. This is breaking of glaciers is dependent on the temperature of the ocean tide flowing towards it.
Relative humidity
Relative humidity -
It is the value of the ratio of partial pressure of water vapor to the vapor pressure at the equilibrium stage of water at a particular temperature , is called the relative humidity .
The value of relative humidity depends on the pressure and temperature of the system .
It helps to determine the amount of wet air in comparison to the the amount of water the air can hold to .
It should be a. Once fossil fuels are used we can not use them anymore.
I know the rocky mountains are one.