140 years is average duration of an earthquake.
- The Hayward fault is a geologic fault that is capable of massive destruction and is 119 km long fault western base of hills of San Francisco and is parallel to the San Andreas fault. The occurrence of an earthquake of 6.8 magnitudes in 1868 was biggest earthquake in California history.
- Recently various geologists have taken time interval of the past five large earthquakes and based on the past earthquakes data the interval of 140 years it will take to the formation of a large earthquake.
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To round a number to the nearest hundredth , look at the next place value to the right (the thousandths this time). Same deal: If it's 4 or less, just remove all the digits to the right. If it's 5 or greater, add 1 to the digit in the hundredths place, and then remove all the digits to the right.
Our solar system is located in the outer reaches of the Milky Way Galaxy. The Milky Way contains over 200 billion stars. Most of the star's are not visible from Earth. Almost everything that we see in the sky belongs to the Milky Way Galaxy.
The equatorward bending of height contours for the 500 mb level imply the presence of a trough because this represents a region of overall lower heights. A valley and a trough are hence equivalent in the upper air flow.
A trough is a linear structural depression with lateral length that occurs in geology. A trough can be a small basin or a natural rift, albeit it is lower than a trench. At the edge of tectonic plates, these landforms frequently form.
Trough, an extended depression in the seafloor that differs from oceanic trenches in that it is shallower, shorter, narrower, and topographically more mild. The Papuan Trough's maximum depth is 2,300 m (7,500 feet), while the Banda Trough's maximum depth is 7,440 m.
Know more about trough here
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