By the place and region. Place names itself give an area a really unique feature. The name of the place often gives some historical background, like perhaps the founder, or the name may give clues on the features of the area. Another unique characterization are the different types of region. There are three main types of regions including formal region, functional region, and vernacular region. Formal regions are areas where everyone shares common distinctive characteristics. Functional regions are areas that can be used to display information about economic areas. Lastly, vernacular regions are regions that people believe exist as part of their cultural identity.
They study the physical systems as an example of natural changes that take places like the hurricane, cyclone earthquake, and even floods. These change the earth's surface areas and these are physical changes that are interrelated and interlinked with each other.
In ancient India, during the 3rd/2nd CE, a sanskrit scholar used binary numbers in the form of long and short syllables. The word sunya then came to be referred to as zero.
The concept of zero was written digitally in the decimal pace this notation developed in India during the early Gupta period. Has the oldest evidence dating to the seventh century.