220-589 After the fall of the Han Dynasty.
Kansas was called "bleeding Kansas' because when the territory was formed, the state got to choose whether it would be a "slave state" or a "free state", and so the people on both sides went around killing each other. The most famous person of this period was John brown, who violently killed at least 12 people because they supported Kansas becoming a slave state.
The lumber and shipbuilding industries were also successful in the Middle Colonies because of the abundant forests, and Pennsylvania was moderately successful in the textile and iron industries.
□Hey did u see trump's video?
■Yea...it was released a long time ago tho...
□Good thing he is not going to win
■ he is a changed person now...people can change...besides just locker room talk
□Dude Hillary has never done something like that ever...I'd think that you being a woman would be against trump
■in my eyes, Hillary is so mischivous and sketchy...have you seen her emails?
□And how many woman said trump hurt them???
■ only 5 liars
□Actually it's 12 victims now
■I am done with this rn
Answer and Explanation:
For the Spanish explorer to be able to convert the native American, it would be necessary for the native to learn the Spanish language that would be taught by the Jesuit explorer. This would be necessary for the native to be able to read and understand biblical texts. This shows how important education was for the conversion of the natives.
This was done in schools that promoted the abandonment of indigenous practices and the adoption of Spanish practices. The natives could resist the efforts of the explorer, who would respond with punishment, often physical.