Answer:Some individuals may be natural good at maths or may be just smart kids who are good with mathematics
Explanation:Some students may be intelligent or good at maths which means the shoe size will not be the cause of their quantification skills.
A confounding variable refers to another variable that you may have not take notice of but which is very likely to act on the variable you are trying to measure and make that change you are looking for , its an extra variable. It can mess up your experiment and give you result that are not caused by what your projected. They can assume a correlation that doesn't exist and insert bias in your study. For this reason you have to know these variable before you start your research or study in order to avoid them.
Its objective was to declare that the New World and the Old World to be separate entities. It opposed European colonialism in the new world. The Latin American countries were gaining independence from Spain and Portugal. The US was worried there would be new attempts by Old World countries to try and interfere with or try to conquer the newly independent territories and it would become a battleground. The doctrine was declared this. wouldn't be tolerated. The New world wanted to be left alone to exert its influence.
The threat of France possibly spreading the its monarchial government was a catalyst
There are two types of sources; Secondary and Primary.
Primary sources are sources from directly from the time period, such as diaries, film footage, artifacts, and more!
Secondary sources are sources that use primary sources to analyze the time period, such as biographies, textbooks, history books, and encyclopedias.
But remember, we should never trust everything we read. Always ask questions! The author could have left out some other details we may never know. It's your decision on how you use the information to affect your work.
The type of learning that is being done in the scenario above is observational learning. Observational learning is a type of learning in which an individual is likely to learn a particular thing by having to observe a behavior that is being done by a person or what he or she observes in the environment.
The encomienda system (in theory) was a feudal-like system where Spaniards would offer protection and education to the native populations in exchange for labor and money/gifts. In reality, the encomienda system was a horrible abuse of power and essentially slavery.