How might an author with the opposite attitude rephrase the following sentence? this historic building is a local treasure, with a distinctive exterior and many antiques and fascinating artwork on the inside. choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. it's a shame this old building hasn't been torn down yet: its ugly design makes it an eyesore, and it is full of rickety furniture and dusty paintings. this building was built over 100 years ago and features a design not seen on many other buildings of the era as well as a large collection of furniture and art. the old man running the antiques shop watched the kids with suspicion, worrying they would not handle his fragile merchandise with proper care. it is vital that we preserve the history of our town by taking care of buildings like this one, with its interesting design and outstanding collection of art and furniture.
The author of "Zlateh the Goat", Isaac Bashevis Singer, was a Polish Jewish author. In the story, not only are the main characters Jewish, but also the story is set around Hanukkah (and contains references to specific Hanukkah traditions and preparations), an important Jewish holiday. You should also note that the text was initially written in Yiddish, which is a dialect central to Jewish (especially Ashkenazi Jewish) culture.
The "s." should be capitalized as it is part of the vet's name. Hope this helps.
Take care,
n Example of Internal Motivation
Dimensions of Internal Motivation. Individuals may define and express their internal needs differently, but psychologists have found a cluster of core motivating principles.
Lessons From a Personal Trainer. Excellent personal trainers are masters at motivating their clients. ...