The idea is that it's hard but you'll be happy when you're done
No! Living there would be a nightmare for me, I'm what you would call "mixed." In the book you're reading the towns folk believe in segregation and punish those unjustly because of the color of their skin. It's also a very poor part of Alabama based on the description so schools would be awful, neighborhoods might be riddled with crime, and community resources would be very limited or non-existent (community centers, parks, hospitals, etc).
As for the second half, it was absolutely cruel. The parents should have kept a better eye on their children and reprimanded them for being so inconsiderate. They should have also educated them on letting other people just be since we're all different, with our own challenges.
Tell about something a character did
Well from what I am able to see Maddy is going to the park because she is feeling down so it is telling us something she did because of how she was feeling at the time.
He uses the word "scuffed" to show the frustration of the tenants.
Option C.
The Grape of the wrath described the dust bowl which occurred in the thirties which were because of this also known as the dirty thirties. This was the time when there was tough time on the people, loss of life and property, falling down of the economy.
One of the most sufferers during this time were the tenant farmers who used to farm on the farms of other people. They got frustrated with the situation and were leading a very tough life.