<span>This is of course somewhat of a subjective question, but one piece of advice you could give to this group would be to delegate some tasks of organization to other people. </span>
Answer: seen below
An ocean is a body of water that composes much of a planet's hydrosphere about 70percent of the earth surface. This provide enough area to build a city in than starting a colony in a new planet which one is not sure if this planet is habitable to build a city on. About 70 - 80% of the oxygen we breath is produced under the ocean, which makes it possible to live under the ocean, living under the ocean is considered as an healthy diet and finally, building is possible under the ocean, builders dig a trench in the ocean floor. They then sink pre-made steel or concrete tubes in the trench. After the tubes are covered with a thick layer of rock, workers connect the sections of tubes and pump out any remaining water within that are to commence building.
a story about a character who conquers a scary creature
Myth definition is - a usually traditional story of ostensibly historical events that serves to unfold part of the world view of a people or explain a practice, belief, or natural phenomenon.
stop being stupid
she gonna get both of em fired! Tell her to stop being stupid.