King's claim in this passage is that a "determined legal and nonviolent pressure" must be mounted to end segregation in Birmingham.
A claim is an assertion or a statement that something or an event is correct as stated. A claim may not be true. It is therefore subject to proof. That is why claims usually require evidence to substantiate them. For instance, in preparing a set of financial statements, the principal officers (the chief executive and the chief financial officers) make assertions (claims) that the information presented therein is factual, fair, and truthful, etc. Such assertions remain mere claims until they are proved to be true. This is why external auditors, who are supposedly, independent of the management of the company, are expected to confirm or disconfirm such claims before the financial statements can be relied upon for any decision.
Papyrus is a old Egyptian type of paper. The context clues are “read and write” and “actual writing on papyrus”
Native Americans had grown corn for more than 2000 years. They ate it and used it to brew beer way before the Europeans landed on America on the late 15th century, led by Christopher Columbus.
When the settlers arrived to the West Indies, they were offered corn by the Native American Indians. They learned how to grow it, took seeds back with them and introduced it in Europe.
Wei-Chen, The Monkey King and Tze-Yo-Tzuh
I like ice cream cones.
My grandpa uses a cane.
What's you favorite movie scene?
Lemonade taste better with ice.