\BIV-uh-wak\ verb. 1 : to make a usually temporary encampment under little or no shelter : camp. 2 : to take shelter often temporarily.
It effected companies to start opening again
Mexico City
, Oaxaca.
The Zapotecs originated from the farming groups that grew up in the valleys of and around Oaxaca. It was spread around the Y-shaped Oaxaca Valley, the main Zapotec sites include the capital of Monte Albán, Oaxaca,Mitla, San Jose Mogote, , Huitzo, Etla, Ocotlan, Abasolo, Zaachila, Zimatlan and Tlacolula . The ancient Zapotecs left behind a rich composition of houses, tombs, ball courts and pieces of gold jewelry that were very finely made and helped to study different aspects of the civilization.
While immigrants accounted for 17 percent of all civilian employed workers in the United States between 2014-18, they played an outsized role in food production, making up 22 percent of workers in the U.S. food supply chain.