Even though in different ways both Americans and Latin Americans wanted freedom and independence.
The colonization in the United States consisted differently than in Latin America where exploitation took place, both parties wanted to prosper and be independent of their colonizers. In this sense it is possible to say that the interests were the same.
Every group experiences prejudice among others who are not of the same group. That includes Whites. Blacks. Polish. Jews. Latinos. Irish. Asians. Filipinos. Italians. Gays. Transgender. Young. Old. Rich. Poor. Native American. Aleut. German. Female. Male. Genius. Left-handers. Low-IQ. Bald. Unathletic. Sports fans. Nerds. Unattractive. Tall. Short. Obese. Skinny. Hunters. Fishers. Animal lovers. Environment lovers. Religious. Non-religious.
You name it.
You cannot define a group that lives completely without prejudice, in the USA or in any other country.
The correct answer is B, C, D, and E
A.) to communicate with the gods
B.) to help with farming
C.) to provide resources to make tools
D.) to supply meat and milk
E.) to provide materials for clothing
The answer is D. Farming settlements in the Indus Valley River began being established in 4000 BCE.