Triple entente
1. France
2. Russia
3. Great Britain
Triple alliance
1. Germany
2. Austria-Hungary
3. Italy
After the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, the ensuing Civil War produced acute food shortages in southwestern Russia. Wartime devastation was compounded by two successive seasons of drought, and by 1920 it was clear that a full-scale famine was under way in the Volga River Valley, Crimea, Ukraine, and Armenia. Conditions were so desperate that in early 1920 the Soviet government sent out a worldwide appeal for food aid to avert the starvation of millions of people.
A I remember in 5th grade
I think that the 'by-products' of the Space Race are what really benefit us. The Race itself is pretty irrevelant. It forced both nations to push their technology to its limits and as a result of the huge government expenditures, we now have better technology to use in everyday life. Things like LCD screens, computers and energy saving and water filtration technology are all aspects of space research which is relevant to us.