DC has a much more devoloped charcters including supervillans. In Marvel sometimes they meet the bad guy and is like oh we have to kill them. In DC there super villans and super heros go way back. Also DC characters are a little more relatable because they are not bad nor good. Sure they take that to an extreme but still. For Example Batman does some questionable things that you think ‘He is supposed to be the good guy’ but he never kills on purpose. Then you look at Jocker and yes he is super insane but he has reasons why that almost reminds you that he is human not a mad man with no feelings. I can admit the DC’s movies are too dark but at least there characters are not goody two-shoes jumping around with a hammer or shield fighting a guy who is purple.
when the garden was enclosed by walls.
Tell someone whose older than you because some bullies are older than you
to occur unexpectedly and have destructive or harmful effects