In order to become a civil servant, people had to take tests. The better they did on the tests, the higher position they could get in the civil service. The examinations were very difficult. Many people would study at the imperial university or under tutors for years in order to pass the tests.
Because that's how it happened in the good old days
The correct answer is "sit-ins."
Even though there are no answer choices, here is some information that can help!
- Capitalism is an economic system based on the following principles:
1) Little government interference in the economy- Capitalists belief that competition among businesses will help to keep prices low and will prevent them from acting illegally.
2) Individual freedom- In a capitalist system, individuals can spend their money on whatever they like.
3) Supply and demand- The amount of resources created by businesses is driven by the consumer. If there are products that people buy an extraordinary amount of, businesses will continue to produce it at a high rate. The opposite is true as well.
Bad Overseers - abusive and mean
"Good" Overseers - fair to all slaves
It's called a term. When a elected official serves an certain amount of time in office. That's called a term because they're serving for a given number amount of time in a certain period.