The Great Awakening was an evangelical and revitalization movement that swept Protestant Europe and British America, and especially the American colonies in the 1730s and 1740s, leaving a permanent impact on American Protestantism.
Answer: The News Media would be Different about History, Politics, and Society. Including Publishing.
Effects such as the Smoot-Hawley tariff act raised tariffs to and all time high but was actually meant to help but ultimately failed, causing a sped up process towards the Depression.
Hope this helped if theres choices let me know
A hogan is more of a permanent home, it takes a lot more time and materials to build. The Navajo are people that had kept sheep and goat, they mostly lived at between 5000 and 8000 feet in elevation. Some apache did make make hogans but they also used tipis. Apaches live a more mobile life style so other types of houses were more useful.