I believe some one would be naive to think that would keep bullies away of anything they will think your weird or still bully you. so no it is not effective
In the Importance of Being Ernest, Cecily's response when "Ernest" asks is she will marry him is the first one: She says yes because they're already engaged.
"Ernest" actually is surprised to find out that Cecily thinks they are already engaged to be married and not only that, but she reveals that her sustained fascination with "uncle's Jack brother" had moved her to invent a romance between herself and Ernest.
Cecily had created an entire relationship with love letters included (that she herself had written), a ring, a broken engagement, and a reconciliation. All chronically told in her personal diary.
Part 1
Text structure is how you organize your information. For example, you may want to organize it in a cause/effect scenario, or using chronological order. For example, a text structure can take on the form of such:
First, Japan surprised attack Pearl Harbor even when they were trying to hold peace conferences with the USA as a promise that they would hold the US's neutrality. This leads to President Roosevelt's famous "Day of Infamy" speech, which led to the US declaring war on the Axis Powers, and the internment of Americans with Japanese Ancestry (Nisei and Issei). Finally, the Issei's had to endure harsh treatments in the camps, and were fin
ally let out of the camps following the Japanese surrender.
While this does not give the complete picture, it gives a feeling of a chronological order (in which after the attack of Pearl Harbor, it led to the Infamy speech, which led to the internment of Japanese Americans). It also gives a cause and effect (because of the attack, there is consequence for the Japanese Americans). This is just one of the structures you can use, but of course there are many more examples you can give.
Part 2
In the passage no gumption it shows the presence of a descriptive structure and describes and idea and helps explain the characters by depicting them to the reader. To build a fire shows sequential structure by explaining he ideas in a time order. The story also shows that his actions led up to his hardships because of his decisions. And do it yourself. ;)
Hope this helps!!!
The main themes in "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" are doubt, ambiguity, and the problem of interpretation. Doubt and ambiguity: A variety of theories about the old man are presented: some believe he's an angel, while others view him as a member of a new race.