Before you ever buy your first stock or bond, it's important to understand what type of investor you are. This depends on a numb
er of factors, including your investment objectives, your time horizon, your tolerance for risk, your personal investment experience, and your overall financial situation. There are three general categories of investors: The conservative investor values protecting principal over seeking capital appreciation. This investor is comfortable accepting lower returns for a higher degree of stability and/or liquidity. The conservative investor wants to minimize risk and loss of principal. The moderate investor values reducing risks and enhancing returns equally. This investor is willing to accept modest risks to seek higher long-term returns. A moderate investor may endure short-term loss of principal and a lower degree of liquidity in exchange for long-term capital appreciation. The aggressive investor values maximizing returns and is willing to accept substantial risk. This investor believes that maximizing long-term returns is more important than protecting principal in the short term and understands that this may mean enduring volatility and significant losses. Liquidity generally isn't a consideration for the aggressive investor. Which of these categories best describes you?
The moderate investors are most popularly known as 'Balanced investors'. They accepts the risk to principal and they adopt the balanced approach. They mainly uses a mixture of bonds and stocks.
They values the reducing risks and then enhancing the returns equally. They accepts modest risks so as to ensure higher long term returns.
Building relationships during your career exploration is called networking. This is when you are forming relations with those around you so that opportunities may turn up.
The correct answer for the given question is "Metropolitan Area Network"
The metropolitan area network connect the user with a geographic area of the size of metropolitan area.Metropolitan area network connect LAN i.e " local area network " to a single larger network thats provide efficient connection to the WAN network.Their are many advantage to use metropolitan area network which are mention above .
Provides the better security then other network.
Cheaper lost when we connect MAN with WAN.
If we use MAN network then data will be fastly transferred.