Felipe and Jimena have to prepare breakfast. Certain false Don Diego helps the children by organizing household chores. true false jimena tells Juan Carlos where the forks are. true
There are 4 types of adjectives, masculine singular, femenine plural, and masculine plural, and feminine singular. It is important to remember that you cant make a feminine thing a mascular for example you cant put el manzana it would not make any sence
Hope it helped
En explicación.
-As this question doesn´t have a specific vocabulary, I´m gonna be using my own words that rhyme with the words of the question
-Como esta pregunta no tiene un vocabulario específico, usaré mis propias palabras que riman con la palabras de la pregunta.
-I eat your orange, so you won't get mad. But why in broad daylight? And why do I have to take out the trash when my crush is out? Sorry! I meant a friend. My mother said: sometimes you say twice the meaning of one. What do you mean, I said, my mother says without answering me: umm, with chicken for dinner, respond quickly that the chicken is escaping because of your slowness.
-Te como la naranja, así no te enojaras. Pero porque a pleno día? Y porque tengo que sacar la basura cuando esta mi crush afuera? ¡Digo! Una amiga. Mi madre dijo: a veces dices el doble del significado de uno. A que te refieres dije yo, mi madre dice sin contestarme: umm, con pollo la cena, responde rápido que el pollo se me va escapando por tu lentitud.
-Hope this helps.
1. At the beginning of the story, what did Ildara bring from the field?
Why do you need it?
2. What does your father (Uncle Clodius) notice when Ildara bent over the fire?
• How did the father react?
How did Ildara answer him?
3. Where is Ildara going?
Why isn't the father accompanying her?
4. What did Uncle Clodius do to his daughter?
• What was the result of your behavior?
How does the story end?
You use it to change the channel. It is the action of starting a car. You can use it to record an event. Every electronic address has this symbol. It is a synonym of highway. 2 Select Select the item that does not belong. 1. MP3 player stereo file CD player 2. network website Internet circulation 3. mouse decomposed monitor screen 4. parking scan download burn 3 Analogies Complete the analogies. Slow model: fast :: get off: start saving: delete :: turn on: drive: drive :: hood: composition: pen :: email: car: drive :: printer: car: car :: garage: compact disc: CD player :: DVD: 4 Complete Fill in the blanks. A policeman can if you drive too fast. If you carry many suitcases in the car, you can put them in it. While driving, you must put both hands on it. The oil in the car is often due. The cars have four; the bicycles have only two.