This paradox foretells the evil that will occur and that disorder and chaos will reign
The phrase “Fair is Foul, Foul is Fair” (Act 1, Scene 1) which is said by the witches at the start of the play Hamlet is used as a precursor to foreshadow what is about to come.
The phrase is used by Shakespeare to establish the tone of the play by foretelling the evil about to occur and that disorder and chaos would reign.
George Orwell's Animal Farm uses satire to show the political ideology and the misuse of power in communistic society. Orwell uses humorous satire by making the setting on a farm and the characters animals. ... This shows that Napoleon even lies when it comes to making snowball look bad to the other animals.
Maybe it was a correct answer?
Answer: 1. The family we have.
2. The many goods we have.
3. Some of the friends we have made.
4. The skills we have.
5. The knowledge we have.
P.S. I do bake!! I love baking!! :)
Explanation: 1. We have many caring people in our life. Family is part of those people.
2. All the stuff we have whteher its food, drinks, or any technology we have can be counted as goods.
3. We have friends that we make and some of them can be considered to be our best friends.
4. We have many skills that we can be thankful for because it can boost us in our everyday life!
5. All the stuff we have learned in the past and we're lucky to have kept the knowledge!