1.B.Dressing the salad too early
2. 2hrs
dressing a salad too early can cause it to wilt salad should not be left out for more than 2 hours
Answer: True
Explanation: A heading allows readers to utilize info from the text to anticipate what will happen in the story, readers envision what will come next in the text, based on their prior knowledge
You can use tailor's tacks to transfer any kind of marking from your pattern to your fabric.For marking single points such as those denoted by small circles on patterns, often used for marking where a pattern piece meets a seam. You can use tailor's tacks to mark darts.
How to Make and Use Tailor's Tacks - Tuesday Stitchestuesdaystitches.com › make-use-tailors-tacks
The answer is C. Maximum contrast of textures within a color scheme of white, grays, and browns