Lightning can be best described as an electrical discharge, which is caused by the imbalances between the clouds and the storm and the ground or sometime within the cloud. It carries around 20,000 to 30,000 ampere of current when it comes to the ground.
It is not only the direct hit of the lightning that make you worry, but any strike that is close to us can be dangerous to us as it results in the release of huge amount of electricity in the surrounding area.
The most effective experimental approach to assess the effects of elephant impact on vegetation is to assess plant responses under differences in elephant density. It is important that other factors, such as soils or habitat structure are held constant so that the only factor which varies is elephant density.
source: Studying Elephants
Lower gravitational force due to lower mass.
Mars has lower gravitational force than Earth because of its lower size because mass has a direct effect on gravitational force of an object. Earth has mass of 5.972 × 10^24 kg which is 10 times greater than mass of Mars which is 6.4171 x 10^23 kg. So due to earth's more mass, it has more gravitational force than planet Mars which has lower mass than earth.
The hollow impression of a trilobite is an original remains fossil.
G. cause if you just do a ratio everything adds up.