I believe that the benefit may be that the candidate(s) would be more accurately elected because every citizen would have exercised his/her rights and selected the most worthy candidate. However, I think the risk could be great as well. For example, many legal voters are uninformed, and this could lead to uninformed voters choosing a careless candidate. This is due to the fact that he/she would be mandated to vote.
उदाहरण-राम, पत्र, पढ़ना – शब्द हैं। राम पत्र पढ़ता है। राम ने पत्र पढ़ा-इन दोनों वाक्यों में अलग-अलग ढंग से प्रयुक्त होकर राम, पत्र और पढ़ता है पद बन गए हैं। पद-परिचय- वाक्य में प्रयुक्त पदों का विस्तृत व्याकरणिक परिचय देना ही पद-परिचय कहलाता है।
Meaning of the name Damek is: Red earth.
The answer would be, It can be boring and can reduce emotional effect.
Less Time-Consuming. One of the main reasons why people are more inclined to texting is that it gives them a kind of freedom that calling doesn't. It allows them to answer at the most convenient time for them, not to mention the fact that it gives them time to think about their answers