The Aztecs and the Mayans were two ancient societies in Meso America. The Mayan civilization goes back to about 1800-2000 BC and was in decline when the Spaniards arrived whereas the Aztecs were a much younger civilization that was at its peak when Cortez arrived. The Aztecs were located mostly in what is now Mexico whereas the Mayans were more in what is now Guatemala and Honduras. Both the Aztecs and Mayans believed in human sacrifice but the Aztecs did this much more than the Mayans. While the Aztecs layed out their cities according to celestial observances, the Mayans were more scientific and developed a calendar very similar to our modern calendar. The Aztecs had one supreme ruler whereas the Mayans had many city states like Uxmal in Guatemala and Copan in Honduras with local rulers.
This is easy, common denominators. Well you know denominators are at the bottom of a fraction, and you know common means the same, so it would be something like
a d
b = b
Named Virginia Virginia after dicovering America
tabacco and potato chips?
Or do you mean HIS country
He was knighted in 1585, and within two years became Captain of the Queen's Guard. Between 1584 and 1589, he helped establish a colony near Roanoke Island (present-day North Carolina), which he named Virginia. Accused of treason by King James I, Sir Walter Raleigh was imprisoned and eventually put to death.Apr 2, 2014