seeking revenge is about retaliation. you retaliate against someone for something they did to you. you don't get justice from revenge. it may bring you peace of mind but it may also bring you guilt
Answer: A plateau period is when you are in a place where nothing hasn’t moved concerning a situation.
Explanation: For example, someone can have a plateau in weight, where the scale isn’t moving up or down it’s just staying the same.
Dear husband, I hoped we could talk about our finances. Since the war, it seems that the cost of food here in Boston has increased.
Wars promote great economic expenditure. This causes inflation to rise sharply in all products and services within the country, causing many people to be concerned about their finances and need to move on in relation to them.
The beginning of the letter above shows a woman writing a letter to her husband saying that she is concerned about the family's finances, probably because the price of food has increased and she is afraid of not being able to provide quality food for her family. family.