Samneric believe they've seen the beast.... that they've seen it claws, teeth and all..... and that it followed them as they ran away.
They see a fallen parachuter but they let their imaginations get the better of them. They think it is a beast becasue they can see the flapping of the parachute in the wind.
"stalker that would go house to house until it had touched everyone, rich or poor"
it is an adverb phrase modifying came
During act 2, scene 1, when Macbeth is waiting for the signal from Lady Macbeth, he hallucinates and sees a bloody dagger floating in front of him.
This vision is interpreted as Macbeth's guilt for the murder he is about to commit. The dagger he sees is the same weapon he is about to use to kill the king.
A. The father is determined to give answers for his kid.