a. National Grange, to improve farmers' lives.
After Oliver Hudson Kelley toured the South in 1866, he and several other government clerks founded the National Grange, to improve farmers' lives.
This organization was the first major farmer organization but as time went on the organization then started interfering with social, political and economic issues in the society.
The correct answer is A: Drought and D: Better-paying jobs.
In the 1930s, farmers from the Midwestern Dust Bowl states, especially Oklahoma and Arkansas, began to move to California. A drought outbreak in the 1930s allowed dust storms to carry away topsoil, darkening the sky even at mid-day, As families realized that the drought and dust storms would not end, some sold what they could not take and began to migrate southwest. Many hoped to become hired hands on California farms.
President Dwight Eisenhower supported CIA covert operations and highly regarded the value of intelligence information. In his years, major technological developments such as the U-2 spy aircraft and CORONA satellites, both developed during the Eisenhower administration, allowed the CIA get much new information that was impossible to gather before. His government also supported covert operations to overthrow governments that the administration didn´t like or suspected to be communist. This is the case of the CIA-orchestrated coup against the nationalist government of Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala in 1954, who had become a target because of his treatment of abusive US corporations that exploited Guatemalan peasants.
In the Eisenhower years, there were also secret CIA operations in Indonesia to prevent a Communist takeover and in Iran, where the CIA organized a coup against the local ruler.
Hostile indians, starvation, poor leadership and government