The patients skin laceration healed nicely leaving a cicatrix, which is a scar.
A cicatrix is the scar of a healed wound - when you have a deep wound, and it gets stitched/heals on its own, after a while, that wound is going to transform into a cicatrix, which is just a fancy medical term for a scar.
A water molecule, because of its shape, is a polar molecule. That is, it has one side that is positively charged and one side that is negatively charged. The molecule is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The bonds between the atoms are called covalent bonds, because the atoms share electrons. The hydrogen atoms have one electron each.
genetic engineering is possible because all organisms are based on the same. genetic code. scientists can study the effect of turning off a gene by using. gene knockout ... a ring of bacterial dna with foreign DNA inserted ... transgenic organisms can express the foreign genes because all organisms are bases on the same.
A: can be subject to environmental conditions.
Phenotype is a genetics term used to describe an individual's observable characteristics that result from interactions with the genotype and nonheritable environmental factors.
Phenotypes are the <u>manifested</u> <u>aspects</u> of the morphology, physiology, biochemical properties, behavior and ecological relationships of an organism.
Given these statements, it can be concluded that two organisms cannot have the same phenotype (not even twins), because there will always be, however small, a morphological or physiological difference between them.