The Indian social system was influenced by the concept of varna.[2] Varna is not caste and caste is not Varna. This is a critical difference not understood by many. It directly linked religious belief and the segregation of society into status groups. Weber goes on to describe the Varna system (the Brahmins - priests, the Kshatriyas - warriors, the Vaishyas - merchants, the Shudras - laborers and the untouchables).
Weber pays special attention to Brahmins and considers why they occupied the highest place in Indian society for many centuries. With regards to the concept of dharma he concludes that the Indian ethical pluralism is very different both from the universal ethic of Confucianism and Christianity. He notes that the varna system prevented the development of urban status groups.<span>[3]</span>
Statues can teach us about history, but they do not convey some immutable truth from the past. Instead, they are symbolic of the fixed ideas of a specific community regarding its past, as captured at a particular point in time.
Answer: B.) He has everything that the American Dream promises, and he still isn't happy
You gave me not picture to look off I am sorry but I don't know.
1-What piques your curiosity about the story?
2-What’s new about the story, and why do you want to tell it now?
3-Why will the reader or viewer care about the story?
4-How can we tell this story digitally?
5-What questions will you need to ask to get this story, and what sources will you need to consult?
6-How much time will you need to produce the story, and how much space/time do you think the story deserves?
I hope this is right!