I think the most important lesson that the story Beowulf could give to our modern time leaders is : The way to behave on a crisis
In the story , Beowulf have to face many problems that in the perception of others are an impossible cause. But his bravery lead him to able to solve that problems.
But he has godlike ability which we normal humans don't have. Just food for thought
hope this helps
A credible narrator or reliable narrator will tell the story from the point of view of the truth, it does not matter if she or he has any attachment to what is going on in the story, readers can trust their words and understand the circumstances the way they the story unfolds. On the other hand, the unreliable narrator will tell their story from their point of view, they will embelish their deeds, hide or down play their problems, therefore the reader will always have the impression that the unreliable narrator is conducing the reader to trust them.
The crediable narrator will bring the facts to the reader and put the reader in the story, the reader can have the feeling of engagement on the narration. On the other hand, the unreliable narrator brings the uncertainty feeling tothe reader and the reader can dot the i's as they please because they know they cannot fully trust the narrator.
Throughout the text "The Open Boat" Crane vividly describes the ocean. He speaks of it's constant movement, change in colors, and temperature. The ocean is the biggest adversary to the men in the boat. They are trying to survive the ocean's constant attempts to sink them and pull them away from land. In this story, the setting is also the antagonist.