There are hints in the story that suggests that Mon-t-re-sor considered Fortun-ato to be naive.
And, Mon-t-re-sor did not regret Fortun-ato's ignorance.
'The Cask of Amon-tillado' is a short story written by Edgar Allan Poe. The story is a revenge narration of Mont-resor, who is confessing his crime to someone fifty years later after he committed the crime.
From the stories, one can find clues that Mont-resor considered Fortun-ato to be a fool. When he states <em>'I was so pleased to see him, that I thought I should never have done wrin-gi-ng his hand.' </em>
Mont-resor also never regretted Fortun-ato's ignorance rather he was pleased that he did not have to wr-ing his hand to exert his plan.
The purpose of the ad is to encourage people to take steps to avoid illness, as shown in the last answer option.
We were able to reach this answer because:
- The announcement shows how prevention measures must be followed to avoid the spread of diseases.
- This is done to ensure the safety of the population, avoid overburdening the health service and protect those most sensitive to infections.
Thus, the advertisement fulfills a public service function which is to promote the protection of society.
More information about the public service at the link: