Which of the following Four Cs refer to your present and future ability to meet your payment obligations? A. Capacity
"The Goophered Grapevine" is a work by Charles W. Chesnutt. It was first published in 1887.
The frame story in this short story is told by John. The Goophered Grapevine is about the history of ruined plantation in North Carolina. The frame story is about the trip of John and his wife to North Carolina. He goes there to see the grapevine and to pursue a business opportunity there. The embedded story is told by Julius McAdoo, who is the former slave. Both these story's convey's the message told in the story by showing the reader a contrast between the dialects of a North white and a slave.
The summary of this would be preety easy ive read it in college
As I was reading this book, I found it very realistic, because in school you might be embarrassed about one of your old friends that don't hang out with the cool kids, and not want to talk to them when you are around your cooler friends, so that you can stay cool. In the book for example on (Pg 88-89), Blinky walked up to to Paul and charlie and asked, " what are you guys talking about" and Paul said, " nothing much but our algebra class," knowing in his that he was just trying to get rid of her. These quotes show the the story was realistic in some ways because some times in school you sometimes don't want to talk to your old elementary/ middle school friends because there not as cool as you and you friends you have now. All because you want people to think you are so cool and you don't want to be looked down upon by the cool kids. That is sometimes exactly how high school can be.
In conclusion the book Breaking Point was about the peer pressure teens/kids can go through in school. It shows how a kid in school, feels lonely, not accepted by classmates, and then in order to feel accepted does something they normally wouldn't do. In Paul's case, it was running with Charlie's group, changing grades, releasing a virus into the school's computer, and tormenting David. It also tell of the consequences of falling to peer pressure.