The correct answer here is C.
Active listening is surprisingly not something many do, even though it is an important part in communication. While listening we often get distracted and think what are we going to say next so we are not always actively listening. This requires a lot of empathy, patience and practice but it is worth as we show that we value the speaker and that their thoughts are important to us.
I chose the 1971 film adaptation by Roman Polanski. I found that the text and film versions are extremely similar.The only distinction lies in the essence of the media that covers it.In the film, the portrayal of the scene is graphical and vibrant.In reality, you see Banquo falling to the floor, dead.In reality, you see Banquo falling to the floor, dead.
In terms of impact on the viewer, Roman Polanski's rendition of this scene is not only accurate but also strong.The specifics are all consistent with the text version: the characters and the environment are the same.The film version captures the character of Banquo to perfection: a courageous and better man than Macbeth, who at the moment thinks only of his son.To ensure Fleance gets to safety, he sacrifices himself.
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I would say the correct answer is C. While Roosevelt does not name those who are the enemies of the freedom of religion, the image represents those nations that suppress or deny that freedom. Envisioning freedom of religion by depicting different people who stand and pray isn't really accurate because Christians are those who typically pray standing or sitting, so it illustrates the Western worldview. This image would have been more accurate if it presented some people standing, others kneeling down (such as Muslims), some sitting and meditating, and yet others not praying at all (such as atheists).