A string parameter and returns new string with all the letters of the alphabet that are not in the argument string. The letters in the returned string should be in alphabetical order. The implementation should uses a histogram from the histogram function
The below code is written in python :
alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
test_dups = ["zzz","dog","bookkeeper","subdermatoglyphic","subdermatoglyphics"]
test_miss = ["zzz","subdermatoglyphic","the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"]
def histogram(s):
d = dict()
for c in s:
if c not in d:
d[c] = 1
d[c] += 1
return d
def has_duplicates(s):
for v in histogram(s).values():
if v > 1:
return True
return False
def test_dups_loop():
for s in test_dups:
print(s + ':', has_duplicates(s))
def missing_letters(s):
r = list('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
s = s.lower()
for c in s.lower():
if c in r:
r.remove(c) # the first matching instance
return ''.join(r)
def test_miss_loop():
for s in test_miss:
print(s + ':', missing_letters(s))
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
The code has been written in Java.
The source code of the file has been attached to this response. The source code contains comments explaining important lines of the program.
A sample output got from a run of the application has also been attached.
To interact with the program, kindly copy the code into your Java IDE and save as Cafe.java and then run the program.
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Top to bottom Answer in order
#1 hardskills
#2 goal
#3 value
#4 soft skills
#5 on the job training
#6 self training