Piracy refers to copying or duplicating contents and then selling it to market at lower prices without the owners knowledge or permission. Let's assume I designed a software for company "A" at the price of $2500, but someone inside from the company created a copy of that software and sold it in market at price of $200 without my knowledge or permission. This is what we call piracy.
In the context of cyber security, social engineering (SE) is a deceptive practice that exploits human <u>weaknesses </u> by inducing victims to interact with a digital device in a way that is not in their best interest. Many of these attacks begin with<u> spam</u> , which is defined as unsolicited messages that are usually sent in massive numbers using electronic mail systems. A spam <u>filter</u> uses a set of rules to examine email messages and determine which are spam. There are four common types of spam filters.<u> Content </u>filters examine the content within a message for certain words or phrases commonly used in spam emails.<u> Header</u> filters review the email header for falsified information, such as spoofed IP addresses. <u>Blacklist</u> filters block mail that originates from IP addresses of known spammers. <u>Permission </u> filters block or allow mail based on the sender's address. <u>Phishing</u> is an email scam that masquerades as a message from a(n) legitimate company or agency of authority, such as the IRS. <u>Pharming</u> redirects Web site traffic to fraudulent Web sites that distribute malware, collect personal data, sell counterfeit products, and perpetrate other scams. A rogue <u>antivirus </u> exploit usually begins with a virus warning and an offer to disinfect the infected device. Some software is not exactly malware, but it is a nuisance. A <u>PUA </u>takes up residence on a digital device and seems impossible to disable or remove.
Teams are diverse.
Teams have great advantage in problem solving over single person. A single persons's thinking is one dimensional. He sees and analyse things according to his perspective and understanding which limits his ability to solve problems .On the other hand team consist of multiple people with multiple background and perspective. Everyone has its own thinking process and it's own perspective, there fore in teams if one person is missing some perspective someone else might be looking in to that perspective which greatly enhance teams problem solving
<u>Virus outbreaks in an organization:</u>
In an organization end user who uses the computer or laptop or workstation is not aware of virus outbreaks. So As IT administrator of an organization she/he has aware of latest virus attack and rectification solution before outbreaks.
Common causes for this virus outbreaks problem is update virus definition or database. Update operating system patches on regular basis.
Installation appropriate anti-virus in each workstation or desktop or laptop and scheduling virus scanning and take necessary steps.
To address and troubleshoot disconnect workstation and desktop or laptop from LAN. Uninstalled unnecessary software, delete temp folder contents.