I think that sometimes when someone sees the advertisement they immediately think their life will be better with the thing that they see in the advertisement. And sometimes there are famous people in advertisements and that makes people want the product even more.
An advertisement I think is well done is when it is a bit funny it has a well known person and it is really expensive
Hi, is a great place to look up definitions, but I'll give you a really brief and basic overview.
Imagery is the rhetorical tool writers use to creates mental images in a writer's mind by using descriptive words. Denotation and connotation are tricky but fun; denotation is the exact meaning of a word, while connotation is the mood it invokes or how it comes across. For instance, "tug" and "heave" have the same denotation or definition, but "heave" sounds a lot more laborious or hard, which makes gives it a different connotation.
You can find your own examples in the poem (you got this!), but here's a quick guideline:
For imagery, find a line or phrase that is so descriptive, you can almost see it.
For denotation and connotation, find two words whose meanings are similar but that take on different tones.
As for supporting your answers with the Declaration of Emancipation, you'll have to do your research. I'll help clarify, but ultimately, the answer's yours :)
That’s just your millennial snowflake brain being unable to comprehend real work. My grandpa lost both his thumbs to frostbite while walking 29.67 kilomiles to school in 10 feet of snow in the summer uphill both ways and he could still wield any tool known to man. And he did so for 83 and a half years until they forced him to retire because he was making all the other workers look like pansies. When he was told he was being forced to retire, he marched into the CEO’s office and declared “I’d rather be dead than a deadbeat.” Then he dropped dead on the spot. Now that’s loyalty!
Hildegard of Bingen was a famous educated medieval woman, and nun, who wrote music. <span>