Identity negotiation refers to the processes through which people reach agreements regarding "who is who" in their relationships. Once these agreements are reached, people are expected to remain faithful to the identities they have agreed to assume.
Geology is an earth science that studies particularly everything pertaining to the composition of the Earth, its ground, soil, water, rocks, anything that is pertaining to the characteristics of the Earth, and sometimes other planets. There are many tasks that geologists perform, but in a nutshell, they work mostly with governments, educational institutions such as universities, and most particularly the construction, oil, gas and mineral industries, studying the composition of the ground and other components of the earth, to establish the possiblity of mineral, oil and gas presence, the usefulness of a terrain for safe construction and also to build models that foretell possible natural disasters like earthquakes, and others. These are just a few of the many jobs performed by geologists, but two specific ones are: A: prepares scaled drawings of construction sites for clients, as they are the ones who, with mathematical models and earth-structure study, can tell if something can be built or not in a terrain, and C: Investigates the formation process of rocks, as this is basically the backbone of geology, the study of the composites of the earth.
By providing a different perspective and encouraging the Englishman to never give up, the boy helps him to discover the alchemist.
Look at the detail and problems happening in the story.
maybe she/he have the dream or urge to fly.