Do you mean agriculture or apiculture? Because apiculture means the keeping of bees especially on a large scale.
Occupy movement could be explained through Durkheimn's Functionalism theory and Karl Marx's Conflict theory.
Studying collective behavior it could be stated that there is a collective conscience that condemns and punishes Occupy's actions and behaviors. Due to they could be considered deviant or criminal, offending this collective conscience, Durkheim would consider the Occupy movement as a "social fact". The movement would support Durkheim's theory as a social force because it is external to the individual.
This collective conscience can evolve to organic solidarity, and in the long run, there could be anomie, while the whole society no longer supports a collective consciousness in favor of what Wall Street stands for.
This change in collective conscience could be reflected in education, due to there would not be a single and unique collective conscience taught to all the students. This organic process derived from the division of labor is also shown on a full-range diversity of interests and, therefore, of interdependent students alienated from each other with singular perspectives about the Occupy movement.
Marx would support the last phenomenon as an example of a society splitting up into hostile classes facing each other. Alienation could be referred to as several students isolated from their society and competing among themselves. Another result of alienation is false consciousness, where beliefs, ideals or ideologies are not in the person's own best interest. These beliefs, ideas or ideologies are also present in an educational proposal that may not fit the individual's interests.
Unos años antes, en 1948, la severa contaminación industrial del aire creó una niebla tóxica mortal que asfixió a 20 personas en Donora, Pensilvania, y enfermó a 7.000 más. La lluvia ácida, descubierta por primera vez en la década de 1850, fue otro problema derivado de las plantas de carbón.
Translation: A few years earlier, in 1948, severe industrial air pollution created a deadly smog that asphyxiated 20 people in Donora, Pennsylvania, and made 7,000 more sick. Acid rain, first discovered in the 1850s, was another problem resulting from coal-powered plants.
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One problem with
administering iq tests to school-age children is that these tests may be culturally biased. By definition culture is
the mix of values and norms that are communicated from generation to generation
socially, the results may vary according to the culture the examiner exposed
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