These are two different verbs: one means: to be positioned horizontally (lie) and the other to position something else horizontally, to put something down (lay)
They sound similar and have a meaning connected to being horizontal, that's one reason for their confusion.
Make sure you also don't confuse their past tenses:
Lay: laid
lie: lay
Yes, Lay is the present tense of one of them and the past of the other: that's the other reason for their confusion!
A goat is an animal that eats grass and a pig is me
Yes. Instead of a semicolon after Party, end the sentence. The rest is good
A short statement or paragraph that tells what something is about
You could pose questions ...
"What does it mean to be an adult? Is it based on age? Is it based on employment? Is it a gut feeling? More important perhaps than these questions, is how the sense of being an adult helps one assume a larger role in our society."
I'm not sure exactly how you plan to go about your paper or what ideas you are exploring within your writing, so this might not work entirely. Nevertheless, I think it could be a good place for you to start.