Examples of sentences with the structure (not) as... as:
His face is not as round as Tom´s.
Her eyes are not as big as mine.
His nose is as turned-up as his mother´s.
Mary´s hair is as curly as her friend´s.
The policeman is as angry as the car driver.
The TV host is not as bored as the audience.
The children are as happy as their grandparents.
Anne Frank= Author of diary. Born on June 12, 1928, in Frankfurt Germany. Very intelligent and perceptive. She dies of typhus in the concentration camp at Bergen-Belson in late February or early March of 1945.
Margot Frank= Annes older sister. Anne and Margot doesn't have a close bond. She dies a few days before Anne in the same way.
Otto Frank= Annes father. Born into wealth, with his familys international banking business. Made selling chemical products and provisions. Only one to survive the war.
Edith Frank=Annes mother. Close to Anne. Dies of hunger and exhaustion in concentration camp of Auschwitz.
This should be how you feel with your family but I feel happy and excited
4. the way an author describes ir conveys characters traits I tkink idk :3