Bahas menteri ke 3 adalah sama seperti menteri pertama dan kedua, yang berlainan hanyalah isi teks. SELALUNYA, teks penggulungan tidak boleh dibacakan oleh menteri ketiga (hanya menteri pertama atau kedua sahaja). Seperti menteri kedua, menteri ketiga WAJIB membalas celahan pihak pembangkang. Jika sekiranya menteri ketiga tidak membahas celahan pihak pembangkang, ini bermakna menteri ketiga bersetuju dengan dengan apa yang pihak pembangkang telah utarakan (ini akan menyebabkan pihak kerajaan kalah dalam perbahasan tersebut).
The above poem refers to a basketball player who, during the game, is reflecting on whether or not to steal a base. The tension of the game and the reflection makes the player tense, anxious and apprehensive. These sensations, as well as the scenario in which the poem is established, are made with the use of figurative language that is established with the use of similes, where the poet compares the player's situation with other elements. The use of figurative language through similes can be seen in the lines:
"Both ways taut like a tightrope-walker,
"Now bouncing tiptoe like a dropped ball
"Taunts them, hovers like an ecstatic bird,
Figurative language aims to use words that have one meaning, to express another meaning. This expression is made subjectively and not literally. In the lines above, figurative language is used to show how tense, agile and attentive the player was.
Let maggie's age be x
brother's age = 2x +3
24= 2x +3 +x
21 = 3x
x = 7
When Lady Capulet asks Juliet how she feels about getting married, Juliet replies: "It is an honour that I dream not of."
The very first sentence, it explains what happens