Michael Jordan is still the best NBA player of all time
Ex-soldier is the best way to use hypen !!
Protagonist means main character
The protagonist is the main character of the story. Villains can be protagonists, just as heroes can be antagonists. The protagonist is not always the hero. That is why some writers prefer the "protagonist" over the word "hero". Villains could be the main characters of certain stories and heroes the antagonists. For example, "Macbeth" by Shakespeare. Macbeth was not the hero in that story. However, he was the main character.
It is thanks to his jealousy that the Frog becomes the sole singer at the end of the poem.
He envied the Nightingale's talent and therefore tricked the Nightingale into practicing so much it died. After the Nightingale's death, the Frog became the only (and therefore best) singer. The Frog's success was only possible due to his jealousy. If he had not been jealous of the Nightingale, the Frog would not have become the singer he became.
C) unique eye-catching graphics
D) formatting text in different ways