Answer:Caribbean Hindustani (lingua franca)
they could not defend themselves against stronger groups.
Jim Crow laws were in effect after the Civil War, and African Americans were already treated horribly after new changes. Furthermore, it takes a lot of money and votes to elect Senators, particularly if you're a person of color at the time. This suggests that this nation was built on old white men who were ignorant and prejudiced against people of color. The majority of senators today are old white men. Finally, Jim Crow laws restricted African Americans from doing the same actions as white people, morphing American society into one that favors Caucasians.
<span>Abraham Lincoln was the acting President of the United States when the Emancipation Proclaimation was asserted. Given the various parties (Republican, Democrat) sometimes conflicting political objectives current at the time as well as Lincoln's personal perspectives in regards to assist any slaves to acclimate to a new climate of freedom (Abolisitionists strived to put the inspiration into action), some doubt his worth as being historically deserving of the same's powerful message. While many question Lincoln's true intent, he certainly was the face put to the Emancipation Proclaimation and is thought of as being the originator of the same. He does deserve the merit of one of history's great essays.</span>