in France there was a very strong support of extreme right (this terms is quite broad and does not include so-called nazism) already before the Great War. After 1870 French extreme right became quite powerful and had a stimulating support of intellectuals (Barres, Maurras) who were able to stimulate new generations ...a big part of intellectual elite invited Mussolini´s coup and in 30s there was a hayday of French right. When Hitler came in poweŕ, he had a strong support among French. But French extreme-right was frequently more conservative than modern (nazism).
Jacques Doriot (leader and founder of PPF), writer Pierre Drieu la Rochelle, Robert Brasillach or Céline had many motives to support nazism. They believed in something that could be called "revolution of the body and instinct", the criticized democracy of the IIIrd republic because of its liberalism and intellectualism. They wanted strong leader and politics of body and instinct. But they were never united. In the government there was a division between "marchalistes" (followers of Pétain) and "lavalistes" (folloowers of pro-nazi laval).
3(-1) = 3 + 3 = 9 so your answer is 9
<span>Karl Marx believed the study of history was: of Class conflict also known as class warfare or class struggle. Class conflict is the difference between classes in a community. It is the tension or antagonism which exists within the community due to (social/economic) positions and their reflected opposed/ different interests. It comes down to different opinions and thoughts from different groups of people based on their race, gender, age and financial differences. Marx thought if he could figure this out he would better understand history!</span>
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was created in 1949 by the United States, Canada, and several Western European nations to provide collective security against the Soviet Union. NATO was the first peacetime military alliance the United States entered into outside of the Western Hemisphere.