Do you remember that we cannot add fractions when they have unlike denominators? We can onyl add fractions as long as they have the same denominator!
So here's the big idea: fractions must have the same denominator.
If we multiply the first fraction by 2, then both fractions will have the same denominator. *
* <em>Why 2??</em>
<em />
- Because:
We need to find the least common multiple of 3 and 6, which is 6. Next, what should 3 be multiplied by to result in 6? That's right, 2.
Also, we can only multiply the denominator by 2 as long as we multiply the numerator by 2!
So that's why we multiply the whole fraction by 2

Watch what happens

Add the numerators

Simplifying the fractions

Hope that helped
Step-by-step explanation:
8% of (550 US$) =
44 US$
I hope the choices for the numerators of the solutions are given.
I am showing the complete work to find the solutions of this equation , it will help you to find an answer of your question based on this solution.
The standard form of a quadratic equation is :
ax² + bx + c = 0
And the quadratic formula is:
So, first step is to compare the given equation with the above equation to get the value of a, b and c.
So, a = 10, b = -19 and c = 6.
Next step is to plug in these values in the above formula. Therefore,
Hope this helps you!
Think of factor pairs. She could buy 1 pair for $54, 54 pairs for $1, 2 pairs for $27, 27 pairs for $2, 3 pairs for $18, 18 for $3, 6 pairs for $9, or 9 pairs for $6