Which correctly forms verb tenses? Q: A: A) Clayton just got back from the doctor's. He is miserable and has been ill since Tues
day. If I had known that, I would bring him some chicken noodle soup. My mother has always said that chicken noodle soup can cure the worst cold. B) Clayton just got back from the doctor's. He is miserable and had been ill since Tuesday. If I had known that, I would of brought him some chicken noodle soup. My mother has always said that chicken noodle soup can cure the worst cold. C) Clayton just got back from the doctor's. He is miserable and has been ill since Tuesday. If I had knew that, I would have brought him some chicken noodle soup. My mother had always says that chicken noodle soup can cure the worst cold. D) Clayton just got back from the doctor's. He is miserable and has been ill since Tuesday. If I had known that, I would have brought him some chicken noodle soup. My mother has always said that chicken noodle soup can cure the worst cold.
1 answer:
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I think the answer is Paragraph 3!
Paragraph 3 does not have a comma at,"I've got it!" shouted Ellie.
There should be a comma after: !",
Carlos had such a captivating smile.
The line "Happy thoughts come to those with baked goods and fat cats." means that the reasons behind having happy thoughts include baked goods and fat cats. Maybe the person who said this loves cats and cookies, cakes, and pastries. <span />
i feel like the answer isHyperbole
because, he didn't really cut out every
Ive read the book and A makes alot more sense Hope this helps! :D