The merocrine gland releases the product by exocytosis.
The exocrine glands are the glands that produces and secretes substances from a duct onto an epithelial surface. Some of the examples of exocrine glands are salivary glands, mammary glands, sweat glands.
An exocrine gland that excretes the products by the process of exocytosis, is called a merocrine gland. The secretion of the merocrine gland is known as merocrine secretion.
Example of an merocrine gland: pancreatic acinar cells.
Therefore, a gland that secretes the products by the process of exocytosis is the merocrine gland.
1. the primary mechanism to maintain homeostasis is negative feedback.
2. When exposed to hot conditions, sweating is one of the primary methods your body uses to control its temperature.
3. Sweat, as it evaporates, helps cool the skin. Blood vessels feeding the skin also dilate, which allows warm blood to flow to the skin surface. This helps remove heat from the body core.
4. Bacteria can also disrupt homeostasis in your body, and can make you sick.
5. In response to infection, your immune system springs into action.
“The key difference between braising and stewing,” he explains, “is the cut of meat. Braising is for cheaper, larger cuts of meat, such as beef cheeks. Stewing would use smaller cuts of meat that are uniform in size and it’s key to stewing that the meat is totally immersed in liquid. Both processes involve the lid being on the pot, which is also very important. Stewing would normally take place on the stove top and and braising would be typically transferred to the oven.” In case you were wondering, pot-roasting is another name for braising, he explains.
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